Waggi Pet Finder Review

We were asked to review the Waggi Pet finder. The Waggi pet finder is a smart tag which attaches onto the collar.

 The smart tag is good if Reggie ever gets lost. It has a QR scan code and allows the subscriber to finder and send information instantly such as their location, send a message and also gives the option to ring the owner.

Three guardians can also receive these notifications-which is good if Reggie is ever being looked after if we are away.

The tag is a good reasonable size on Reggies collar and isn’t heavy, infact it’s rather light.

It’s easy to access the Waggi webpage and there’s no apps involved. You can do a few different things on the page too, you can set up your pets profile, add their description and add health alerts to your calendar eg. Upcoming appointments.


So after owning this product for a few weeks we’ve now tested this out (obviously not dumping Reggie in a field and leaving him there) but got my partner to scan the tag, send a message and his location. From this I then received a notification and email that gave the precise location through google maps.

To be honest on a pet tag we normally get our phone numbers put on it so people can ring straight away if Reggie gets lost. The smart tag does pretty much the same apart from giving the exact location with a fast response.

With technology these days we are quite surprised it doesn’t have a tracker on it too..maybe in the future Waggi connected pets may do this?!
As it’s a new company this product is good being their first product. We look forward to seeing what comes in the future. We think that this product is perfect for those who want peace of mind if their pooch ever goes missing.
Waggi connected pets kindly gave us a code. Use REGGIE30 for 30% off.

Reggie’s Rating

We do honest reviews and opinions are our own – Overall we score the smart tag a 7.5/10
Thank you for allowing us to review your product Waggi Connected Pets
Reggie and Me ♥️?

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